Soneco is proud to announce that new version of NetVizura is available for download (RPM, DEB packets and Windows installer). 

New in version 4.6.4


  • Debian 9 and Ubuntu 18.04 are now supported
  • It is now possible to manually add devices in settings
  • Minor bugfixes were made

NetFlow Analyzer

  • There is an option now to disable Whois lookup for All Traffic Internal Addresses
  • Default time for sending scheduled reports has been changed (from 4am to 8am)
  • Multi-select option for exporters in the sampling settings is now introduced
  • Minor bugfixes were made

EventLog Analyzer

  • Group alarms with the condition based on number of messages in unit of time, are now available
  • E-mail alerts for activation and deactivation of group alarms are enabled
  • Minor bugfixes were made


Here you can visit changelog page and see the history of our progress.

We are looking forward to your impressions and feedback.

NetVizura Team


Mailing and Visiting Address:
Soneco d.o.o.
Makenzijeva 24/VI, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Phone: +381.11.6356319
Fax: +381.11.2455210 |


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