We covered Fortinet's regular NetFlow and Syslog configuration in a different blog post some time ago. For some Fortigates, there isn't a NetFlow option. Instead, there are only Sflow configuration options on the machines.

If you have missed the previous blog post, here is the link - Fortinet NetFlow and EventLog configuration.

In the beginning, we need to configure the global options on the device:

config system sflow
  set collector-ip
  set collector-port 6343
  set source-ip
  set interface-select-method auto

All the configuration options should soon be visible. As we observe NetVizura NetFlow Analyzer in this case, collector-ip is the IP address, and the port is usually (by default) 6343. Source-ip is the selected IP of the Fortinet device inside the NetFlow Analyzer. The interface-select-method sets the outgoing interface by auto, sdwan, or manually specified.

Afterward, we need to configure the interfaces. They can be physical, VLAN, or trunk interfaces. The configuration is straightforward:

config system interface
  edit port1
  set sflow-sampler enable
  set sample-rate 2000
  set polling-interval 60
  set sample-direction both

Now, in the end, let's dive into options regarding global configuration. Sflow-sampler enables sFlow on the selected port (in our example, port1). Sample-rate is 1-in-packet, which sFlow sends from the device, and by default, it is 2000. For greater precision, lower this value to a smaller number (10 is the minimum). However, keep in mind this can result in higher CPU usage from your device. Polling-interval is time in seconds for the device polling, and sample-direction is an option to get information from RX, TX, or both sides of the traffic.


And voila, the sFlow traffic should be available on your NetVizura NetFlow Analyzer.


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