Since Ubuntu 16.04 is approaching its end-of-life (you can, of course, extend it with ESM though that's another story), there is a need to keep your system up-to-date. Unlike CentOS and Red Hat, which don't support in-place upgrades, Ubuntu (and Debian) support upgrading to the new LTS on-the-go.


Before we start the upgrade procedure on the NetVizura server, we need to keep our current system up-to-date with these commands:

Apt update && apt dist-upgrade -y

Afterward, we can start the upgrade procedure to 18.04 LTS. It is executed with the do-release-upgrade command. Then, you simply need to follow the on-screen guide and finish the installation.Whew, that was fast! The only remaining thing is to contact us, the NetVizura team, regarding a new license as your previous one will now be invalidated.


If we want to keep our system future-proof, the previous step is not enough. Firstly, we need to remove the Tomcat 7 package, and then follow the same guide we used to install NetVizura in the first place - Linux Ubuntu Installation.

The following step would be to type a few commands:

Chown tomcat8 /etc/.netvizura -R
Chown tomcat8 /var/lib/netvizura -R

By default, all the 3rd party repos are commented on when you do upgrade from the previous version, so you need to comment on your PostgreSQL and Elasicsearch repos (to get security updates).

The next step would be to restart the Tomcat with systemctl restart tomcat8 and enjoy Ubuntu 18.04!


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